Científicos descubren que los cromosomas son fluidos

Científicos descubren que los cromosomas son fluidos

El estudio reveló que los cromosomas son fluidos, casi líquidos, fuera de sus fases de división.

La manipulación de los cromosomas en las células vivas indica que son fluidos.

Investigadores de CNRS, el Institut Curie y la Universidad de la Sorbona han logrado por primera vez actuar físicamente sobre los cromosomas de las células vivas. Descubrieron que, aparte de las fases de división celular, los cromosomas son en realidad muy fluidos, casi líquidos, al estar sujetos a diferentes fuerzas mediante imanes. El estudio fue publicado recientemente en la prestigiosa revista La ciencia.

Cuando no están en sus fases de división, los cromosomas son fluidos, pero no del todo líquidos. Este descubrimiento fue posible gracias a la primera manipulación mecánica directa de los cromosomas en el núcleo de las células vivas.

Anteriormente, los cromosomas, que son extraordinariamente largos[{» attribute=»»>DNA molecules, were represented as entangled like loose balls of yarn and creating a sort of gel. This new publication’s findings present a completely different picture. Chromosomes are fluid and free to move, unrestricted by the other parts that make up the nucleus and can reorganize themselves.

To reach these conclusions published in Science, scientists from CNRS, the Curie Institute, and Sorbonne University, working in the Nuclear Dynamics, Physical Chemistry and Cell Biology, and Cancer laboratories, in collaboration with scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, attached magnetic nanoparticles to a small portion of a chromosome in a living cell. Then, they stretched the chromosome, exerting different degrees of force, thanks to a micro-magnet outside the cell. Using this approach, the teams managed to measure the response of a chromosome to external forces, for the very first time in a living cell.


Through these experiments, the scientists were able to see that the range of forces exerted naturally in the nucleus – for example by enzymes replicating DNA – is sufficient to substantially alter the conformation of a chromosome. This major discovery, at the interface between physics and biology, changes the hitherto established representation of chromosomes. It also adds new elements to our understanding of biological processes, the biophysics of chromosomes, and the organization of the genome.

Reference: “Live-cell micromanipulation of a genomic locus reveals interphase chromatin mechanics” by  Veer I. P. Keizer, Simon Grosse-Holz, Maxime Woringer, Laura Zambon, Koceila Aizel, Maud Bongaerts, Fanny Delille, Lorena Kolar-Znika, Vittore F. Scolari, Sebastian Hoffmann, Edward J. Banigan, Leonid A. Mirny, Maxime Dahan, Daniele Fachinetti and Antoine Coulon, 28 July 2022, Science.
DOI: 10.1126/science.abi9810

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